Caruso St John: Diorama

19 January — 25 February 2017

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Exhibition view

Exhibition view

Exhibition view, from left to right: Herning Art Museum (2005), Nagelhaus Zürich (2007-2010), Newport Street Gallery (2004-2015), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7.

Exhibition view, from left to right: Herning Art Museum (2005), Nagelhaus Zürich (2007-2010), Newport Street Gallery (2004-2015), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Another Glass House (1991), 2017, photograph, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Another Glass House (1991), 2017, photograph, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Exhibition view with the model of Newport Street Gallery in the foreground

Exhibition view with the model of Newport Street Gallery in the foreground

Exhibition view, from left to right: Cultural and Tourist Centre Ascona (2004), Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne (2011), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7.

Exhibition view, from left to right: Cultural and Tourist Centre Ascona (2004), Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne (2011), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7.

Exhibition view, from left to right: Veemgebouw Eindhoven (2007-2010), Nottingham Contemporary (2004-2009), Campus di Mendrisio (2015), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view, from left to right: Veemgebouw Eindhoven (2007-2010), Nottingham Contemporary (2004-2009), Campus di Mendrisio (2015), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view: Veemgebouw Eindhoven (2007-2010), two different perspectives, photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view: Veemgebouw Eindhoven (2007-2010), two different perspectives, photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view: Model photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view: Model photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view, from left to right: Parasite – study for an exhibition (2000), Veemgebouw Eindhoven (2007-2010); photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view, from left to right: Parasite – study for an exhibition (2000), Veemgebouw Eindhoven (2007-2010); photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Caruso St John, Brick House London (2001-2005), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Brick House London (2001-2005), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Koningin Elisabethzaal Antwerp (2010), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Koningin Elisabethzaal Antwerp (2010), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Exhibition view, from left to right: exterior and interior of Herning Art Museum (2005), Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne (2011), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view, from left to right: exterior and interior of Herning Art Museum (2005), Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne (2011), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view

Exhibition view

Caruso St John, Museo Diocesano Milan (2007), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Museo Diocesano Milan (2007), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Exhibition view, from left to right: Nagelhaus Zürich (2007-2010), Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne (2011), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view, from left to right: Nagelhaus Zürich (2007-2010), Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts Lausanne (2011), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Caruso St John, Cultural and Tourist Centre Ascona (2004), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Cultural and Tourist Centre Ascona (2004), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Exhibition view, from left to right: Campus di Mendrisio (2015), Nagelhaus Zürich (2007-2010), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Exhibition view, from left to right: Campus di Mendrisio (2015), Nagelhaus Zürich (2007-2010), photographs, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, each is an edition of 7

Caruso St John, Falconhoven Housing Antwerp (2014-2017), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.

Caruso St John, Falconhoven Housing Antwerp (2014-2017), photograph, 2017, 16.8 x 21 cm, edition of 7.