- Office 39 and 56 in Arquine 63, spring 2013, Mexico City, 2013
- 2G #63, 'OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen', Gustavo Gili, ES, 2012
- Office 39 in 'A Perimeter and 18 Rooms' (Stefan Devoldere), in Abitare, april 2012
- Domus 964, guest editorship, cover, editorial and several projects, dec 2012
- Office 37, 'Care City', in 'Imperfect Health', Catalogue of the exhition at CCA, CA, 2011
- Office 56, ‘Weekend House’ in d’Architectures 212, october 2012
- ‘One text and eight projects’, in Perspecta 44, Yale University, US, 2011
- Various projects in ‘Office KGDVS’ (F. Burrichter), Pin-up Magazine, issue 10, US, 2011
- Various projects in ‘1907… After the Party’, Quadrens magazine 261, 2011, Barcelona, ES, 2011
- Various projects in ‘Of Positive Pollution and the Power of Constraint’ (D. Bauer & M. Kraus) in Horizonte 03, Berlin, DE, 2011
- Various projects in ‘The importance of being precise’ (Hans Ibelings) in A10 #37, jan/feb 2011, Amsterdam, NL
- Various projects in ‘The Silent Revelation’, in Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, FR, 2011
- Office 45, ‘Kortrijk XPO’ (Harm Tilman) in ‘de Architect’, july 2010, Rotterdam, NL, 2010
- Various projects in ‘Places of Exception’ (Aleksander Bierig), LOG 19, NYC, US, 2010
- Office 23 in A+U 2010:4: “Architecture in Belgium and the Netherlands”, april 2010, Tokyo, JP
- Various projects in ‘Far beyond deconstruction. The architecture view of Office, 2010
- Kersten Geers David Van Severen’ (Bart Verschaffel), in De Witte Raaf 148, BE, 2010
- “Seven Rooms”, international re-issue of the exhibition catalogue, Hatje Cantz, DE, 2010
- “Design vanguard: Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen” in Architectural Record, dec 2009, London, UK, 2009
- Office 71 ‘Strategy for a Lost Landscape’ in ‘Verzamelde Verhalen #01’, Catalogue Watou Art Festival 2009, BE
- “Heroic failures” in Building Design, feb 2009, London, UK
- “Seven Rooms”, Exhibition Catalogue, deSingel Publishers, Antwerp, BE, 2009
- Various projects in “Living Rooms”, DAMn 21, BE, 2009
- Office 7 in A+U 458: ‘Dwellings and the Land’, Nov. 2008
- Office 7 in Year book Architecture Flanders, VAi, 2008
- Office 43, ‘The Issue of Obstruction in Urban Design’, in ‘OverHolland7, 5x5 Projecten voor de Hollandse Stad’, TUDelft, Sun Publishers, Amsterdam, NL, 2008
- ‘De Composiie van het Beeld’, Essay of Images, in ‘About Beauty’, Marc Verminck (red.), A&S/books, Ghent, BE, 2008
- Office 7 in de Architect, NL, Feb. ‘08
- Office 7 in A+ 210, BE, Feb. ‘08
- “Ruskin”, a fictional travel novel around the work of Office, by Christophe van Gerrewey, Vlees en Beton, Ghent, BE, 2008
- Office 7, in De Standaard Magazine, B, 2007
- Office 35, ‘Cité de Refuge’ in Mark Magazine, Oct. 07
- Office 15, ‘Border Garden’ in ‘Memosphere. Rethinking Monuments’, 2007
- Office 35, ‘Cité de Refuge’ in ‘Visionary Power’, NAi Uitgevers, Rotterdam, NL, 2007
- Office 19, ‘A Grammar for the City’ in ’AAfiles’, nr. 54, London, 2006
- Office 19, ‘A Grammar for the City’ in A+ 200, BE, 2006
- Office 22 A Garden and a Block, in ‘Prix-de-Rome 2006’, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, NL Several projects in XXI Magazine, nr 41, Istanbul
- Office 19, ‘A Grammar for the City’ in Architecture & Culture, Seoul, KOR, 2005
- Several projects in de Architect, nr. 6, Rotterdam, NL, 2005
- Office 15, ‘Border garden - Jardin Frontera’, in ‘Arquine’, nr. 32, MX, 2005
- Several projects in Wonderland, AT, 2005
- Office 2, ‘Entrance’ in XXI, nr. 29, Istanbul, TR, 2004
- Office 2, ‘Entrance’ in Architektur, 3/04, AT
- Various projects in DAMn magazine, nr. 0, BE, 2004
- Office 2, ‘Entrance’ in A+ 185, BE, 2003
- Office 2, ‘Entrance’ in Frame magazine, NL, 2003
- Office 2, ‘Entrance’ in A+U 184, ‘Driving through Belgium II’, Tokyo, JP, 2003
- Office 4, ‘Non Stop’ in: Beople magazine, BE, 2003