Exhibition view
Bed Machine (map), 1988-1993
collage, ink on tracing paper
42 x 59.4 cm
Bed Machine (objects 1-36) & Bed Machine (objects 37-69), 1991
graphite on tracing paper
52 x 58.5 cm
Bed Machine (window), 1992
graphite on tracing paper
34 x 57 cm
Bed Machine: Cat Machine, 1992
graphite on tracing paper
58.5 x 33.5 cm
Bed Machine (Baby Please), 1992
graphite on tracing paper
33 x 58 cm
Parallel Garden, 1993
graphite on tracing paper
42 x 59.4 cm
Double Globe, 2019, wood, steel, printed tracing paper
Double Globe (detail), 2019, wood, steel, printed tracing paper
Parallel Garden: Double (Cross) Globes, 1993
graphite on tracing paper
42 x 59.4 cm
Parallel Garden: Rice Driven Automobile, 1993
graphite on tracing paper
42 x 59.4 cm
Exhibition view: Beauty of Our Pain (1995), Untitled box (2019), Fish Cabinet (1988)
Beauty of Our Pain: Cross Fold, 1995
collage, paper, graphite on tracing paper
35.5 x 40 cm
Beauty of Our Pain: Cross Fold (technical drawing), 1995
graphite on tracing paper
35.5 x 43 cm
Beauty of Our Pain: The Duke’s Cabinet, 1995
collage, tipex, paper, graphite on tracing paper
35.5 x 40.2 cm
Beauty of Our Pain: The Duke’s Cabinet (technical drawing), 1995
graphite on tracing paper
35.5 x 42.2 cm
Untitled Box, 2019
Untitled box (detail), 2019