Zoe Zenghelis | Curator Tour
exhibition | press release | viewing room
Virtual Gallery Talk: The Shades Become a City
Hamed Khosravi, Marie Coulon and Manijeh Verghese
Friday 15 January 2021, 18:00 GMT, Zoom
Join a guided digital tour of the Zoe Zenghelis exhibition 'Do You Remember How Perfect Everything Was?' followed by a conversation between Hamed Khosravi, Marie Coulon and Manijeh Verghese. The two part exhibition held between Betts Project and the AA , will host the first retrospective exhibition of Zoe Zenghelis’ work. Due to recent lockdown measures the exhibition at the AA has been postponed until April and the show at Betts Project, while currently closed to the public, has a virtual space to visit online. A book to accompany the exhibition will be published by AA Publications and launched in April. Register to attend
Curator Tour with Hamed Khosravi
Friday 11 December 2020, 18:30
Join us on Friday 11 December 2020 at 18:30 for our second online live exhibition tour of Zoe Zenghelis exhibition ‘Do you remember how perfect everything was?’ with curator Hamed Khosravi.
This session will be interactive and live and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the tour.
Please click here to join the live conversation on the day and time of the event.
If you would like any more information about particular works then please email the gallery at info@bettsproject.com